It is reported in literature by some European observers that famines in the past have been forcing people to become cannibals. The horror stories include instances where mothers devoured their own children. About a century and a half ago famines were common in India. However it is believed that even the extreme conditions of hunger could not force Indians to droop beyond a certain level. Nevertheless some mothers would become willing to give away their children to slavery. But mostly the respectable class preferred death over humiliation. The whole family would take an overdose of opium or poison of some sort and die in one another's arms. They would do this in closed doors so as not to expose their misery to the world.
The last famine reported in India was in 1971. It was not a very severe one though. At that time the food was distributed through the ration shops. Every house hold was alloted a fixed amount of grains, sugar and the kerosene oil.
I have the experience of standing in a queue at the ration shops. I remember standing in queue at ration depots of the armed forces as well as those regulated by the civilian authorities. I would confess that it was among the most chilling and loathesome experiences I have ever had.