Char Sahibzade is an animated movie that describes the lives and struggles of the four princes of Guru Gobind Singh. The story is wonderfully directed. It has successfully touched the chords of the masses irrespective the castes and religions. Most of the audience have wet eyes in the hall. The story reaches its climax when the small boys are choked to death with the last brick while they were being laid in a wall along with the bricks. A strange way to punish anyone!
Any movie made on Sikhism has to go through the risks of running into controversies due to the hardliners in the religion. Harry Baweja, the director of the movie, has handled this extremely delicate and sensitive story in an equally delicate and sensitive way. Every person is sent to the Earth for a purpose. It seems that Harry Baweja has successfully accomplished his lifetime purpose by directing this movie. Kudos to him. May he do more such wonderful things in the future!