When a person rides a bicycle,he gets exercise.Exercise is good for heart.Nowadays I am making the rounds of The bank of India (a public sector undertaking).The people out there want me to have a healthy heart.Why else did they not activate the mobile banking feature on my account in 3 months?I had opened an account in their bank on 7th Oct 2010 for the sole purpose of getting Mchek(mobile banking)activated.They want a person like me to learn values like patience, shun laziness and do some cycling.The desination is nowhere in sight.Still miles to go before the job is done.Meanwhile I would be cycling to their office regularly and improving the health of my heart.
I applied for the renewal of the passport on 11th June.Since the begining of september the message displayed on their site is ''It is to regret that due to unavoidable circumstances the despatch of Passport has been delayed and will now be despatched in a week's time''Now the passport office wants that I should not take any Panga(buy/any andesired trouble)out in some foreign country when Iam already going to be 45 year old in a few months.If I go out of the country I would have to eat the junk food.The junk food is bad for the heart.Passport is nowhere in sight. Miles to go before the job is done and meanwhile I need not bother about any foreign trip and risk my heart.
A telecommunication giant in our area activates some scheme on our mobile phones on its own and starts deducting money @ Rs1 per day.By the time we come to know and deactivate the plan a considerable amount is already cut.It would be ungrateful on my part if I call it a corporate crime.These friendly people want that my heart should get immune to monetry losses and hence prolong my life.