Sharing is an important concept in Sikhism.But how does that work at the joint family level.
Method 1----I came across a Gursikh family where there were 3 brothers and all are married and have children.They said when the business is common all the basic expenditure of food,clothing,education can be done from the common fund.Each family can be given Rs 1500(that was 4 years ago)extra money to be spent in what ever way he wishes.He may take his out wife for dinner,movie or whatever.In that family the the wife of the eldest brother and the wife of the middle brother cooked lunch and dinner on alternate days.That means they got rest from the kitchen every second day.The wife of the youngest brother cooked breakfast on daily basis.
Method 2--Having got inspired from the above method I have invented another method.In this method a family ought to have a box where each earning member would put equal amount on weekly,fortnightly,monthly (or when the need arises)basis.All the common house hold expenditure could be done from this box. It ought to be replenished when required.If any member having hard time is finding it difficult he can drop a slip mentioning the amount he owes to the box.A few days later he can replace the slip with the money.The rest of the money that an individual earns ought to be saved or spent according to his or her sweet will.This method can be better applied in families where people do jobs instead of business.
There might be other methods of sharing in joint families as well which the readers can suggest.
Satnam Waheguru