Dec 17, 2014

Diet matters

Tackling obesity and acidity is a gobal issue nowadays. The dietician of the Bollywood star Karina Kapoor was Rujuta Diwekar during the days movie Tashion was being made and size zero was glamorised. Rujuata gained fame as a dietician and her book 'Don't Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight' taught me to have small servings of food in between the meals. It also taught me to eat moderately during the main meals. Rajiv Dixit's videos on Youtube taught me to avoid drinking water immediately before and after the meals. This helped me tackle the problem of acidity to a great extent. Friendship with Dr. Balraj Singh Gill taught me to increase vegetable content in my diet. Owing to the influence of the above persons I have positively checked the increase in my body weight and controlled the menace of acidity.
Despite all the advancement in technology we cannot share our food on internet. Nevertheless we can share our experiences for the benefit of others . I would like to share my diet content of 16-12-2014. It can be noted that there is sufficient gap before and after the meals when water was taken. With this food there wasn't any problem of acidity and I felt good throughout the day.
Water was sipped slowly at 4 am. At 4.40 am semi-liquid food (a bowl containing curd mixed with carrot and pea vegetable) was taken followed by a small piece of Jaggery. At 7 AM one small sized Parantha was eaten with carrat pea vegetable (liberally topped by Desi ghee) and a very small quantity of Daal followed by a few sips (one fourth of a tea cup) of tea. After that sipped water at 9am. At 9.45 am had Skimmed milk in a medium sized tea cup that contained one and a half table spoon of sugar, along with four salty biscuits. Sipped water at 12.30 pm.
At 1.20 pm had one small chapati and a little quantity of Pulao  with a generous mixture of vegetable followed by a very small piece of jaggery. Sipped water at 3 pm. At 3.35 pm semi liquid diet (60℅ curd mixed in 40% Pulao) followed by a cup of tea (sugar and tea leaves very mild and skimmed milk in liberal proportion). At 6.10 pm and 6.35pm sipped water.
Dinner (comprising of one Chappati, carrot and pea vegetable, a little sag and in the end Dalia sweetened by Jaggery) was had at 7.05 pm. Then water was sipped at 8.35 pm.