Japji Sahib but without a still mind.I had some soup which is curd +
any cooked vegetable available in the fridge.I add some water to it in
a bowl,stir and keep in the microwave oven for a minute or two.I had a
darshan of the Hukamnama on my mobile from where I operate the
internet.I read the English translaton of the Hukamnama through my
email account which is posted by Sikhnet on daily basis.After
finishing the soup I sat on the bed chanting Satnam Waheguru.I was not
required to go to Sherpura village for providing private tuition
classes as the final examinations are over for most of the
classes.Unable to still my mind I went to the bedroom and started
reading the shorter version of Shakepeare's Comedy of errors which my
elder son won in his school for standing first in some competition.I
got up and had beakfast.I served breakfast to my son in his room and
that we have decided that one of us would do for the next two or three
years as he is in a senior class from today onwards and would be
competing for seeking addmission in some medical college to become a
doctor.Once again I lay on the bed half asleep.I sent an email to my
son who was in his room.I wrote in the email that he shouid remain
aware of April fool pranks as it is first of April.I lay on the bed
half asleep for two hours.I was disturbed twice by my wife and younger
son for some small things.I finished reading the small book in the bed
it self.I checked through internet from my mobile that a Bollywood
movie Angoor was made based on this story.While on bed itself I
followed the tweets.In the bed I resolved that If I could not
concentrate on Gurbani I shouldnot allow any vulgar thoughts to cross
my mind either.But I feel that is almost a challenge for any man lying
half asleep on the bed.I got up from the bed ending the shallow sleep
at around 8.10 am.My wife and the two boys had left for their
respective schools.My wife went to her school for teaching.For the the
younger son it was first day in grade six and the elder son went to
his new school for taking admission in grade 11 in the science
stream.I ate another chappati with Karhi pakora.To wash it down I
drank some hot water with some milk mixed in it.That gives a feeling
of fulfillment.I read a few pages of another small book that my son
got as a prize from his school.I got ready and went to the private
institute where I teach on contractual basis.I came home at 1.30 pm.I
chatted with my elder son who had come home after paying fees in the
new school where he would be going from seventh onwards.He served me
lunch.I went to the bed for the afternoon nap with the small book that
I had started reading in the morning.It was written by a captain of a
ship who encountered mutiny on board in the late eighteenth century.I
got up from bed combed my hair,said Satnam Wahheguru.I am sitting on
the Varandha at the first floor and waiting for the two odd
students.Perhaps they would not come as they are having some easy exam
ahead.In the coming days the teaching ours at tuition would be very
less as the session is over.The working hours at the private institute
where I get paid on hourly basis would increase.It is the peak season
for the students who learn English for clearing IELTS examination.
It is 6 pm now and I would follow the tweets at Twitter. At around
6.30 pm I would be chanting Satnam Waheguru.At 7pm we would be serving
dinner to the senior boy.By 7.30 I would finish the dinner and go to
bed after saying Satnam Waheguru.
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