Jun 27, 2010

The forgotton singer

Jaspal Singh was a gifted singer of Bollywood.This Sikh playback
singer sang a very famous rain song
Another memorable song sung by him with the theme 'keep singing in your life'was
He sang a bhajan(devotional song) in a film which had almost became a
national bhajan.

Unfortunately he did not get his due from the Bollywood.I searched for
him in google and wikipedia but without any success.

Jun 3, 2010

Only if a person thinks

1-The owners of the institute where I teach are Sikhs but they burn a holy flame before the pictures of Gods and Gurus.The girls who work there fill the katori with Desi ghee(refined butter) early morning.The amount of ghee they burn in half an hour is almost equal to our consumption in 2 days.What a wastage of food resources?
2-While traveling to Shivpuri in Madhaya Pradesh(year around 1990), I met a Sikh who had farm in that area.I discussed with him the tradition of burning a holy flame in the Sisganj Gurudwara and else where.I asked him how cruel it would be if some superior species could snatch away the milk of the female humans and burn it to please Gods.Is that non vegiterian flame not at the cost of depriving the calf of the milk.The Sikh said that the matter was not at all a serious one.
3-Why do the Sikhs not worship the graves of the dead?It is because they are taught the Hukam(Gods will).This is what makes them dynamic.Following Hukam(Gurbani) is Sikhi but putting it in a glass frame and burning a holy flame before it is something different.According to Gurbani Naam is the deeva(lamp for burning the holy flame).The desi ghee burnt in a single day can satisfy many hungry stomachs.Burning a holy flame in a Gurudwara is not the best use of the funds to say the least.

Jun 1, 2010

Environment concerns

Beauty of nature and the environment always occupied my mind.I wish to share the following episodes of my life.
1-While watching paddy transplantation in grade 2 at the age of eight I asked my father if the water would not finish from under the Earth one day.
2-After seeing huge piles of cut trees in the Tarai region of Uttar Pradesh,I got the feeling as if those were dead bodies.This happened when I was travelling from Delhi to Haldwani on an official assignment in the year 1988.
3-I asked the Sewadars of DGPC why a flame of Desi ghee is being burnt at Gurudwara Sisganj when it is not in accordance with the principles of Sikhi and not an environment friendly activity.It was in 1989.
4-I asked a fellow Sikh not to offer flowers at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib as there is God in the plants and it is a cruelty towards plants.I was inspired by a shabad of SGGSji.This was in the year 1990.
5-A number of times a thought crossed my mind forcing me to think about the loss of fuel at Amar Jawan Jyoti flame at India Gate and the flame at Jallianwalla bagh in the memory of the martyrs.If often think about how much it would be causing the environment.Can these flames not be symbolic and made by some electronic device or a small lamp etc.
6-A few months ago I went to a Gurudwara Gurusar near Jagraon.My wife asked for a polythene from the Sewadars to carry the Karha Parshad home.I objected as it was not an environmental friendly activity.She did not listen to me though.
7-I love to use a bicycle because it is environment friendly.
8-I often feel for the nature when crackers are burnt during Diwali.My children do not burn crackers.My wife lights a few candles at the doorsteps.Can't Diwali at Gurudwaras be environment friendly?
9-I often think about the damage caused to the environment by the wooden furniture. Can't we sit on the mats as we sit in the Gurudwaras?
10-Several times I went with my wife and children to a Gurudwar five kilometers away as a visit to a Gurudwara on motor vehicles is not an environment friendly darshan.
11-In 1995 I wrote to the Golf club Delhi to sponsor my trip from NOIDA to Chandigarh on a pedal car that could be designed especially for that purpose in order to create awareness regarding environment.